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Writer: Jecinta Wangui Jecinta Wangui

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

Javeria Malik shares on what is really like living with SMA type 3.

It wasn’t until I met my now good friend Jia, that I knew about SMA. Her story opened my eyes to a whole new perspective on life.

Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic condition that affects the nervous system which controls muscle movement. It takes away the ability to talk, walk, eat or even breath is some cases.

Jia’s story made me realize that finding happiness and fulfillment comes from within. No matter how cliché that sounds its absolutely true! Start appreciating the things you have and what you can do.

For the longest time, I focused on the things I didn't have and often compared myself with others. Living this way just made me soak more in self pity instead of living my life to the fullest. Jia finds ''happiness in small things.'' And today, I hope her story will inspire you too as well.




MY STORY: From her Perspective

Full Name: Javeria Malik

Career: Certified Makeup Artist and Chef

In today’s world, growing up with this or any other condition is tough and challenging. Making friends and fitting in is even harder for children with this condition. When I was a child, despite being active in school, (taking part in every school activities such as drama and sports), I tried hard to look like other kids. I fell a lot and this somehow made me

self-conscious in terms of how people perceive me.

Parents of children with this condition may be particularly concerned about their children's abilities to make and keep friends. Always remain positive and assist your children to set goals. Discover the passion in them and help them harness their gifts. Your words and actions can have a profound impact on your children.

Today this condition has helped me have a positive attitude towards life. No-doubt life was tough in school and university, but I always acted strong. I have to admit that I also had inner bullies; fear and self-doubt. However, I believe that true happiness is really possible in a ‘broken’ body. No one should be ashamed of their scars because those are what makes you beautiful and unique! SMA may have weakened my muscles but it can never take away the spirit in me. So never give up or lose hope.


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