Freshers and young professionals guide
Before we begin, it's important to note that there’s no single manual on how to land a role. You’ll have to try multiple techniques to get to where you want. Anaylse your environment to come up with the most effective tactics to finding what you want.
Living in the UAE and being a young professional (recently graduated), here are some tips I wish someone told me before getting into the job market.

1. Apply and sign up to multiple websites
Nowadays there are so many platforms you can apply for roles. Sign up to multiple websites and keep an eye on any opportunities that suite you.
Some websites include:
2. Go to networking events
This has to be one of the most effective ways to find a role. In networking events, you’ll meet entrepreneurs, HR personnel, managers, and generally people who may connect you to the right people. There are websites with networking events listed, all you need is google.
Here is an example :

3. Showcase your skills on social media platforms
If you're not having any luck finding something on websites, post on social media what you're looking for and let the jobs come to you.
One of the ways to do this is getting into relevant professional Facebook pages (e.g. media groups, engineering groups etc) dependent on what your field is. Once you're done, post on there what you are looking for (in terms of a roles and the skills you can offer) ; you’d be surprised how many people are willing to help. You can also post on your LinkedIn page.
For media/pr/advertising professionals, you may find this group really helpful.
4. Go door to door
Sometimes you just have to show up to the offices. Find the companies you’re interested in and show up with your cv/ portfolio. You can have your application passed on to the right person or acquire the right contacts.
You can also go directly on companies' websites and apply on there.
5. Find recruiting agencies
There are couple of recruiting agencies that are a great help at finding people opportunities, especially when you’re a fresh graduate and looking for internships. Google search recruiting agencies and send in your application to them.
If you're still in university, make the most out of your career team.
