Impact of The Coronavirus Pandemic and What We Can Do

For the first time in a long time, the whole world is sailing on the same boat. We are facing the same storm; the CORONAVIRUS. Rich, poor, old, young, doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from. Currently, there have been more than a million cases reported globally and the numbers are still rising.
Apart from threatening our lives, this virus has also taken over our livelihoods. Different sectors have been massively affected resulting to closure of businesses, salary cuts, unpaid leaves and even layoffs. My heart goes out to anyone who's job has been affected. I am in the same shoes and I understand how difficult it is.
Today I would like to give you an insight of how the virus has affected the different parts of the world and also its impact on global economy. This is not to spark fear or anxiety, rather to bring forth knowledge that may spark innovation and even give a fresh perspective on the current reality.
To begin, here is a summary of how the global economy has been affected due to the coronavirus pandemic based on an article written by the BBC:
Unemployment rates have risen around the world
Production has slowed down due to closure in factories
Oil prices have reduced drastically
High demand of products have led to growth of supermarkets and online delivery services
Gold value has declined, but it is slowly getting back up
Car sale in China has fallen
Events and entertainment industries are currently on hold
Hospitality and the service sector are experiencing major losses given the enforced lockdown
Major hit on the travel sector with closure of most countries' boarders
The video below created by Al Jazeera show 'Start Here' provides further insight on the impact of the virus to the global economy and what it will take for the world to recover.
While the facts of the current reality trigger anxiety and fear in most of us, these times have also brought about the best in some of us. The human race is resilient and has survived a number of pandemics over the years, and this one will be no different.
But in the meantime, all we have is each other. Apart from focusing on surviving, let’s extend kindness to those who are affected. While some complain about being indoors all day, others can’t place food on the table.
'Start Here' from Al Jazeera explained how the pandemic is affecting people in developing countries and those in war zones. Quarantine isn't the same everywhere. The idea of social distancing and constant sanitizing isn't realistic to millions of people across the world.
I challenge you to have a change of perspective. Do what you can, with whatever you have to reach out to whoever you know needs help. Here are a couple of simple things that can make a huge difference:
Remain indoors as much as possible
Stay connected by reaching out to friends and family
Donate what you can to local charities
Share a meal
Use your resources to assist local businesses
Post encouraging/informative content on social media
Share your skills on social media
Make someone laugh
Lend and ear
Share positive/inspirational articles stories online
Reach out to someone who may be alone
Show appreciation to health workers
Adhere to the law
Use your resources/talent for good e.g hosts an online concert
Reach out to those who have been affected by the pandemic
Share ways to cope with the current situation
